Ted Tagami

Ted_tagami La French Touch Conference San Francisco

Ted Tagami

CEO and co-founder, Magnitude.io - Chairman, Summer.org

An artist by training, Ted created Magnitude to bring K-12 education to the very edge of discovery through extraordinary experiences. Current projects include lofting science payloads in the stratosphere, and microgravity experiments aboard the International Space Station.

As Chairman of Summer.org, Ted is driven to remove the phenomena of “summer learning loss” from underserved communities. Some students see a cumulative downward trend in learning when not provided educational experiences during summer vacation that some of their peers might have an opportunity to pursue. Summer’s mission is to create meaningful experiential learning moments.

Prior to these current educational initiatives, Ted built and sold a dotcom in the 1990’s and worked with global brands such as Intel, Toyota, Google, and Warner Brothers through interactive engagements in the 2000’s.

Motto: “A posse ad esse” (From possibility, to reality)