LFTC Paris

Marc Lavine

Marc Lavine


Marc Lavine’s first start-up dates back to the debut of the  internet in 1994 with the creation  of Cyberplex – Canada’s first integrated web developer that grew internationally.

In 1999, Marc co-founded Points.com a platform for managing, exchanging and maximising the value of  loyalty points (www.points.com NASDAQ:PTS).

Under the Exclamation brand, Marc has created  a unique  approach to business creation;- innovative ideas generated at exclamation are coupled with top management’s expertise and network of partners to co-create new ventures.   This model has allowed for the creation of a  diverse rage of business in different sectors and geographies; entrepreneurial and impact  finance in Canada, sports betting in Africa,  fintech loyalty with MasterCard,  and even Theatre in Paris

Since 2007, coinciding with the creation of Exclamation Foundation,  Marc  has focused his  businesses  activities on the creation of new ventures that adhere to philosophy that strong companies need a vision that combines   ‘Profit with Purpose’.

Two curent ventures that follow that model are Public inc (www.publicinc.com) an agency that helps future forward companies embed community impact into the hear of their brand and business strategy.  And Common Cents, Marc’s  first startup based in Paris,  (www.commoncents.fr)  that help bands add a dimension of social impact and generosity by integrating donations into the shopping experience.