Pedro Novo is currently Head of the Bpifrance Export Finance Division (Banque publique d’investissement), the French public investment bank dedicated to help companies grow and innovate.
As part of its public-interest missions in favour of financing business investment and its positioning as a supporting institution, Bpifrance has created in 2013 the “Bpifrance Export” label that incorporates all public export and international support.
This Label is now coordinate by the Export Finance Division managed by Pedro NOVO in partnership with BusinessFrance and Coface Public Guarantee.
This comprehensive range of products and services is dedicated to financing and accompanying SMEs and Midcaps that wish to export and increase their international development.
Previously, for the years before this assignement Pedro NOVO was appointed in 2008 Paris District Manager of Oseo turned into Bpifrance in 2013. As graduate of KEDGE Business School in Marseille, Pedro started his career as a representative in Project Financing in 2001 for the Banque du Développement des PME, French SME Development Bank, in Marseille until 2006.
In 2006, he was appointed Hauts de Seine Manager for the Financing activity. This bank was merged successively into the OSEO then into Bpifrance : Pedro followed this evolution, managing the Hauts de Seine District in Paris La Défense then Paris where he became its regional manager. For the years before that assignment, Pedro was representative for Oseo Project Financing activity in of Bpifrance in Paris France.